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2022-12-04 风水

射手座的健康法则 射手座掌管大腿、臀部、坐骨神经、肝脏。射手座人高马大脚长手长,具有运动家的身型,长征的企图心,也有自我放纵的倾向,老是不知节制的夸张、超过应该有的限度,以致劳损肝脏机能,影响造血机能。当射手座的行动受到限制,能也会卡住量,这时就容易出现运动伤害,诸如肌肉拉伤、腿部骨折、脱臼等等。 屈肌,射手座!因为射手人总是在不断的运动,可能他们的大腿和背部肌肉常常会紧张,多做拉伸动作和按摩保持血液循环良好。橄榄是属于射手座的食物,射手座在吃东西时除了美味,还应多吃那些能够促进好脂肪酸吸收以及抗氧化类型的食物。 射手座的人的身体素质是良好的,他需要通过运动来消耗体内多余的能量。骑马、骑摩托车、打高尔夫球和野营,是他保持健美体魄的最好办法。他是一个好猎手,但他很少忍心打杀动物。总是在郊游的时候,为了助兴偶尔放上几枪。农村和森林中的任何体育活动都有助于这一座男性身体的平衡和女性身体的健美。射手座的人尽量避免吃太丰盛的食物,因为如果他的肝不太好的话(肝是射手座的人身体上的敏感点),美味佳肴会直接影响他的情绪,使他变得忧郁寡欢。他的性格只有在乐观和快乐的环境下才能开朗起来。为了保持良好的身体,射手座的人要养成在丰盛的饮食之后,吃点清淡的习惯。到室外散散步活动活动,这样可避免中年以后肝、胆囊出毛病和身体太丰满带来的苦恼。射手座的人应该常吃水煮蔬菜,捞出后晾干,拌上黄油并加上调味汁,或直接凉拌。另外,要选用熟透的水果作甜食,这样的饮食有助于振作他的精神。饭后可喝些薄荷茶或蜜蜂茶。 射手座的人的机体需要铁,最好多吃些深绿色叶子的蔬菜。香菜、扁豆、杏、杏仁、草莓等,都很适合射手座的人。同时还要多补充钠,以排除体内的尿酸和加强血液循环。车叶草、桦树叶、萝卜、覆盆子、欧洲桔和鱼等,都有助于钠的补充。射手座的人容易坐骨神经痛或胯部不适。疼痛的时候,可将一个白菜叶卷成卷,放在患处,用绷带包好,这种疗法很有效。射手座的人保健食物是洋苏草,又名“救命草”,古人把它看成圣草。它有助消化,调节机制和清肝利肾的作用。为了有助于血液循环,射手座的人睡觉的时候,双腿最好能抬得稍高些,这可使末稍循环得到改善。这一座的人还可以经常做水疗,对肝是极有好处的。此外,应当经常到森林中去散散步。 射手座(未译) As a Sagittarius, you must guard against speed and adventure which can result in reckless driving and daredevil sport. You are by nature accident-prone because of your impulsive nature. When injuries occur, they usually involve the pelvis, legs, sacral bones, buttocks, and muscles of the hips and thighs. Parts of the body ruled by Sagittarius include the hips, hamstrings, thighs, pelvis, liver, sciatic nerve, and gall bladder. Its ruling planet Jupiter governs the pituitary gland and the liver. Ailments include obesity (especially around the hips), lower back problems, fractured hips, gallstones, sciatica, leg problems, alcoholism, liver ailments including cirrhosis, hepatitis, and jaundice. This sign is one of what the astrologers call the Mutable Cross, the other three being Gemini, Virgo, and Pisces. Planetary afflictions in your birth chart to any of these related signs, tend to influence you. This is especially true of Gemini, your opposite sign. By reflex action, Sagittarians may suffer pulmonary troubles, bronchitis, and other ailments common for Gemini. Generally speaking the Archer enjoys good health most if not all of his life. The complaints he does have commonly originate in the liver, the arterial system, or with nervous strain. An adversely afflicted Jupiter should alert you to exercise care in the amount of sugar and fats you consume. When afflicted, Sagittarians suffer the following pathological conditions: sciatica, rheumatism in hips and thighs, respiratory troubles, and fatty degeneration of the liver. Exercise restraint in the consumption of rich foods and condiments. In order to insure that your liver is performing well, see that it is adequately supplied with Vitamin C and the B-Complex vitamins. Milk thistle and turmeric have proven to be very effective in the livers healing process. Milk thistle and its extracts are still used to treat hepatitis and cirrhosis. Turmeric, a very hot spice used in Indian curries, contains the active ingredient curcumin which researchers think may actually protect the liver by increasing the secretion of bile. Chicory, a noncaffeinated coffee substitute, has healing capacities for strengthening the liver and alleviating the aches and pains caused by gout and rheumatism. It also is reputed to dissolve gallstones and eliminate excess mucus. Dandelion root, a blood purifier, mild laxative and digestive aid has been used by herbalists to treat liver, gall bladder, and spleen dysfunction. It also has been used to treat obesity, gout, hypertension, arteriosclerosis, and kidney stones. The leaves are also used for facials and herbal baths. Other good supplements for a damaged liver is choline and lecithin which also help to prevent gallstones. The underlying emotion of the Archer is anger--anger at not being able to find perfection and the organ effected is the liver. He tends also to be a gourmand and goes for the good life. The rich foods disturb his liver. The cell salt of Sagittarius is silica, occurring naturally in crystallized form as common quartz. You may well suspect a deficiency in your zodiacal cell-salt if your hair lacks luster, your fingernails are weak and brittle, your eyelids inflamed and your gums sore or abscessed. Dietary source of silica are edible skins of fruits and vegetables, figs, strawberries, prunes, scotch oats, parsnips, unpolished rice and ripe cherries. It is also found in herbs such as marjoram, mallows, agrimony and sage which are Sagittarian herbs. Sagittarians take in poison whenever they smoke, drink alcohol, work with solvents and paints or take pain medications. It's the liver that keeps this poison from overwhelming the body for it is a great detoxifier. If you are taking a lot of medications, your liver may not be fully functional.

以上是射手座的健康法则的相关内容,希望对大家有所帮助,想了解更多星座运势相关知识 ,请持续关注优风水。

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