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2022-12-04 风水

Difference between sextiles and trines: Both aspects show us planet "buddies" who get along. But the trine buddies may take each other for granted even though they derive pleasure from each other, while the sextile buddies remain separate somehow, and when they cooperate with each other they fully appreciate their "friendship". The expression of the trine is very natural and automatic, while the energies created with the sextile are things that can be drawn upon if need be. With trines, the energies tend to flow naturally into constructive channels, and with sextiles, a conscious effort is required to push the energies into constructive channels.

60度和120度的分别: 两者也是和谐,但120度的搭当会假设对方是正面影响,即使双方也向对方施压。而60度的会分开,而当他们合作时又会合作得很好。120度的表现是很自然及自觉的,而60度的能量是于需要时才汲取的。120度的,能量自然会以一个很好的结构交流,而60度的,需要一些有意识的推动向一个和谐的交流。

Difference between oppositions and squares: Squares create the kind of tension that demands action. Oppositions also create tension, but natives generally seek out others in relationships in order to work out that tension! Note that planets in opposition generally occur with compatible sign elements, while squares generally occur between signs that are considered incompatible by element.


Predominant aspects in a chart: conjunctions - focused people, derive their motivation from within; with not enough oppositions, hard to see the other side, easy to lose perspective. sextiles - communicative, creative, expressive. squares - crisis-oriented people, action-oriented, motivated, willing to tackle obstacles, don't blindly accept things, energetic, strength of character and will. trines - unchallenged, talented, accepting, comfortable, complacent. oppositions - contradictory, seek balance in their lives usually through relationships, insightful, they look for meaning in life, inclined to project qualities onto others, unfocused, greater capacity for objectivity, seek growth through relationships.

盘里突出的相位: 合相 精力集中的人,从内部而生的动力。但没有足够的冲相时,难以用另一个角度去思考问题,容易失去洞察力。 60度 易沟通的,创造性的,能表达的人。 90度 以危机/行动为目标的人,有动力,会希望处理障碍,不会盲目接受事物,有活的的,有力量的个性及决心。 180度 矛盾,希望于生命里取得平衡。通常透过一些关系来达成。有洞察力的,透视生命的意义,倾向把质量投射于他人身上,没有焦点,比较客观,于关系里寻找成长。

Lack of aspects in a chart: conjunctions - scattered, don't look within for answers, flexible. sextiles - inclined to avoid creative pursuits, are less self-expressive and communicative. squares - lack motivation, take the easy way out, avoid confrontations, unchallenged, habitual people. trines - not as balanced people, conflict-oriented, driven. oppositions - subjective, don't need partners to mirror themselves, self-contented, not as concerned about growing through relationships or broadening their own perspective, self-reliant

盘里缺少的相位: 合相 散乱的,不是于问题内部找出答案(应该是说不受局限),有弹性的。 60度 倾向避免有创意的职务,少于自我表现,及少交际的 90度 积极性较低,选择容易的路,避免对抗,不能受到挑战,赖于习惯的人 120度 不平衡,以斗争为中心,有压迫感的 180度 主观,不需要拍档去反映自己,自我满足,不太重视于关系中成长或是扩阔自己的眼界,自信满满

** 山的话: 星体之间相位的作用力受星体所在星座的影响,不同星座间相同的相位作用力各有差异。例如:变动星座间的冲相位带来的矛盾比固定星座间的矛盾易于化解,阳性星座间的冲相位比阴性星座间的冲相位的冲突来的更迅速、明显,也更易于化解。理解星体间相位的意义,需以星体所在的星座为根据。

以上是一些相位间的比较?的相关内容,希望对大家有所帮助,想了解更多星座运势相关知识 ,请持续关注优风水。

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