鼠:情感丰富。机会主义者天赋聪明,感觉敏锐,善于多方面发展。情感丰富,对爱侣更能体贴入微。敢于冒险,遇到困难亦能坚持下去,决不半途而废行事多凭直觉,时亦会曲解事实而错怪他人。 年份:1924 1936 1948 1960 1972 1984 1996 2008 RAT Motional and oppirtunistic,The Rat is clever,sensitive and always cares for his lover.He is ready to face challenges.Whenever there is difficuty,He oill try his best to work it out. 牛:不屈不挠、权威主义者天生领导人才,属权威主义者、待人处事需小心谨慎,再三考虑方可付诸实行。家庭观念浓厚,对生活抱有积极的态度。具有不屈不挠,贯彻始终的性格。 年份:1925 1937 1949 1961 1973 1985 1997 2009 OX Powerfl and faithful,The Ox is a man of good leadership who always believes in the saying At Look before you leap.He also has a positive attitube towards his work and cares about his family. 虎:勇敢乐天、人类保护者,独立心旺盛,喜欢单独行动乃属虎的特征。生性乐于,具有坚毅不屈的精神、凡事胸有成竹,心藏谋略地守候着机会。虎乃吉祥的象征,一生运势顽强,但切忌自视过高。 年份:1926 1938 1950 1962 1974 1986 1998 2010 TIGER Independent and optimistic.He is well organized and often works alone.He is lucky and will enjoy success but refrain from being too self-centred. 兔:高贵沉默、享乐主义者。天生温顺老实,高贵大方,沉默寡言兼备巧妙的口才,深受他人欢迎及爱戴,但却易遭人嫉妒。具有独特的气质和鉴赏力,在设计及创作方面均很出色。敏捷的行动有时难免流于轻率,需特别留意自己的短处。 年份:1915 1927 1939 1951 1963 1975 1987 1999 RABBIT Honest and elegant, He is well received by others but may at times causes envy.He is particularly able in design and creative work. 龙:骄傲自信、理想主义者。是理想的追求者为求自己的梦想努力不懈。龙象征幸运、美德、和平及长寿。为人慷慨热心,亦具非常的勇气和自信。肖龙的女性有很多追求者、裙下之臣大不乏人。 年份:1916 1928 1940 1952 1964 1976 1988 2000 DRAGON Confident and idealistic. Dragon is a symbol of luck,virtue,peace and longlife.He will do everything to make his dreams come true.He is also passionate,brave and generous. 蛇:美丽幽默、爱情善妒者。肖蛇的男性浪漫幽默,极具吸引力,而女性则美丽迷人。判断力极强,做事循序渐进,必能攀上高峰。属蛇的人既有同情心亦乐于助人。容貌多端丽,衣着非常讲究,更着意修饰自己。 年份:1917 1929 1941 1953 1965 1977 1989 2001 SNAKE Attractive and romantic. He is epuipped with exceptional judge ment and is conscientious.He is always well groomed. 马:活泼开朗、群众领导者性格外向、有同情心、受大众欢迎。马常有出众的外貌,做任何事情都会独断独行,不太接受别人的意见。善于管理金钱,但对爱情则不太高明,不懂得取悦异性。 年份:1918 1930 1942 1954 1966 1978 1990 2002 HORSE Optimistic and a good leader. The Horse is Kind-hearted and liked own way and seldom accept managing his money but not by others.He always works in his the opinion of others. He is good a his love affairs. 羊:善心仁慈、任性艺术家。羊年出生的人是高贵的、迷人的、有艺术家气质的,亦喜爱大自然。外表温顺,但秘藏其他的坚韧性与斗志非比寻常。属羊的人重视家庭,是疼爱子女的好父母。凡事顾虑周全,但需加强责任感,主动性和创造力。 年份:1919 1931 1943 1954 1967 1979 1991 2003 GOAT Kind-heared and artistic.The Goat is elegant and chaming.He loves nature.He is much stronger than he looks.He loves his family.He is creative and responsible. 猴:顽皮聪慧、个人主义者猴是充满智慧的知识分子,见闻广博,有惊人的记忆力。猴像外交家一样圆滑精明,能避免自己陷于困境。性格热情,容易堕入情网,但用情不太专一,不易感到满足。才干智慧兼备。能制造时机,在事业上有出色的表现。 年份:1920 1932 1944 1956 1968 1980 1992 2004 MONKEY Naughty but clever.The monkey is an intelligent persowith good memory.He acts like a politician in a way that he can avoid himself from falling into traps.He takes every opportunity to show off his ability.He can also perform his duties. 鸡:潇洒率直、爱出风头者属鸡的人有先见之明,不轻信别人,但能向他人提供意见。鸡年出生的人喜欢打扮自己,尤其是男性。女性对色彩的感觉有独到之处。天生多福,物资不缺,工作方面亦多如愿。在爱情方面,夫妻感情非常好,注重气氛。 年份:1921 1933 1945 1957 1969 1981 1993 2005 POOSTER Outspoken and high profile.The Rooster does not trust any one but he is ready to give advice and support others.He pays much attention to his outlook.He is born to be lucky and his life is fullof resources. 狗:诚恳正直、大智若愚者生性较为悲观,喜欢寻求事物真相,对人生没什么祈求。狗给人无限信心,肯为别人服务,受别人尊敬。在爱情方面狗是诚恳和正直的,遇上烦恼亦只会责怪自己。 年份:1922 1934 1946 1958 1970 1982 1994 2006 DOG Frank but pessimistic.The Dog is eager to find out the truth.He is faithful.ready to arve others and that is why he can gain respects from others. 猪:大公无私、物质主义者。猪是勇武的、审慎的、有礼貌及乐于助人,性格大公无私,能承任自己的过失,亦能体谅别人的过错,待人至诚,绝对可靠,选择的朋友多是知交。适宜从事各行各业,他的良知及勤劳得以达致成功。 年份:1923 1935 1947 1959 1971 1983 1995 2007 PIG Fair but materialistic.The pig is brave,thoughtful,polite,considerate and ready to help.He is also reliable and thus makes a lot of friends from different areas.His diligence and hardwork pave the way for his great succes.