May everyone’s wishes come true ——
Highlights of questions and answers in Khenpo Sodargye’s teachings
How should an entrepreneur make choices between profits and moral ethics?
问:我是做投资的,前不久刚接触了一个企业家,他遇到了利益与道德之间的抉择问题: Question: I’m in the investment business. The other day I met an entrepreneur who had difficulty deciding between making profits and observing ethics. 现在的市场充满竞争,他的产品用的原材料,如果对人体健康等方面合格,成本就比别人高出三到四倍。 The market is very competitive today. If he uses raw materials that meet human health standards, he has to pay a higher production cost by three or four times. 原来他的基础不错,是从房地产商转过来的,有一些资金积累,所以最初觉得要保证对人体的安全,一直坚持这样的理念。 In the beginning, he insisted on such an approach to safeguard human health, as he had sufficient funds accrued from his previous real estate business. 但在市场两年之后,他发现自己的成本比别人高,而这种产品做出来之后,顾客在使用时,短期内又体现不出来产品的优势,从而导致企业很难再维持下去,现在只好也用对人体有害的原材料了。 But after two years in the market he was barely able to maintain his business, as his production costs were higher than others, and customers could not appreciate the superiority of his products in that short time. He felt he had no choice but to start using raw materials that are harmful to human health. 这样一来,他的成本就降低了,从今年6月份起,资金就有了明显的好转。 As a result, he was able to lower his production costs and has made a distinct improvement in his capital since June of this year. 我想请教一下,像他这样的企业家,在面临如此困境时,应该怎么选择才是对的? I need your advice on how an entrepreneur like him should make the right choices when encountering such a dilemma? Khenpo: Today these things happen quite often. 但若仅仅是为了自己盈利,就不考虑大众的健康,这样肯定特别过分,逐渐是会受到报应的。 If the action is driven only by personal profit, while ignoring the danger to public health, it is definitely improper and will bring retribution in times to come. 一个人不管在什么行业工作,这一辈子中,尽量不要去做危害其他众生的事。 Whatever kind of job you do in this life, try your best not to harm other beings. 若能如此,就算你的待遇不太好、钱赚得不太多,至少也会心安理得,生活过得比较清净。 If you can uphold this principle, then even if you’re not in a cushy job or making much money, at the minimum you’ll have a peaceful mind and enjoy unruffled days. Sure, for ordinary beings it’s not always possible to live an absolutely taintless life. 毕竟现在这个社会,很多人无恶不作,我们生活在这样的环境中,有时候的起心动念,难免会与恶业相连。 Nowadays, many devious people will stop at no evil. Living in this kind of environment, it’s difficult to avoid bad thoughts from cropping up at times. Even so, we must never deliberately inflict harm on sentient beings! 现在的很多不良现象,我们没有能力去一一揭露或制止。 We may not yet have the capacity to expose or prevent the glut of unhealthy undertakings in society now. However, I am sure in the future some of you will be able to develop the power and capacity to do so. 所以,每个人一定要树立正确的价值观,如果你的人生方向没有定准,今后就很容易危害社会。 Hence, it is imperative that everyone establishes a correct value system to live by. Without setting the right direction of your life, you may cause harm to others. Why is it necessary for students to accumulate merit while they are acquiring knowledge?
问:对一个学生而言,在学习知识的同时,积累福报有何必要呢? Question: What’s the point for students to accumulate merit while they are getting an education? Khenpo: To begin with, it’s crucial for students to acquire knowledge. 然后在此基础上,若能行善积福,这是十分明智的选择。 At the same time, if they also practice virtue and gather merit, they are making a smart move.