ScorpioThe Scorpio animus is that intense, magnetic and mysterious creatureclearly hiding volumes of dark secrets beneath a super-cool and calculateddemeanor. His undeniable sexual appeal looms heavily in the air, as does anundeniable shroud of danger. She knows she should tread carefully, yet shecan't resist the potentially deadly sting of the Scorpio animus。 天蝎座女生的男性意向热情、极富吸引力、神秘,在他故意耍酷的行为背后无疑隐藏了许多隐秘之事。她的男性意向无可争辩的性吸引力在空气中大量弥散,但同样不可否认的是他危险莫测。天蝎座女性清楚自己要步步小心,却仍无法抗拒地掉进他设下的潜在的致命圈套。
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