SagittariusThis is the man who knows how to live it up, as if on a perpetualvacation complete with cocktails and poolside dancing. He's also the brilliantand worldly animus with a million philosophies to share. He's lavish in hisresponse to life and generous to a fault. The twinkle in his eye, the laughterin his voice and the spring in his step are foolproof hooks sure to snag a gal。 射手座女生的男性意向是个清楚如何纵情享乐的男人,他好像身处永无止境的假期,饮着鸡尾酒,在泳池畔翩翩起舞。他才华横溢、阅历丰富,有着数不清的人生哲学等待与人分享。他对待生活慷慨大方,对待错误态度宽容。眼睛闪闪发亮,声音充满愉悦,脚步轻快有力——这是他追求佳人的不二秘诀。
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